Translation Associations Address use of Automated Translation Printers in Public Schools

By ATA | 2024年4月10日

The American Translators Association (ATA), together with the American Association of Translators and 翻译s in Education (AAITE) and the National Association of Educational Translators…


ATA Letter to New Mexico AOC

By ATA | 2024年2月19日

ATA & NAJIT Support New Mexico Court 翻译s in Their Efforts to Earn Fair Compensation ATA and NAJIT send letter to New Mexico Administrative…


A Recap of Translators Film: An ATA Roundtable

By ATA | 2024年1月25日

The Realities of Child Interpreting and Ways Forward: A Recap of Translators Film: An ATA Roundtable Please note: The views and opinions expressed in…

Image courtesy of Unsplash

ATA Supports Language Access Bill in New Jersey (S2459/A3837)

By ATA | 2024年1月10日

1月3日, 2024, two New Jersey State Assembly committees (Assembly State and Local Government Committee and Assembly Appropriations Committee) considered S2459/A3837, 一项法案…


ATA and NAJIT Issue Joint Letter of Support for Minnesota Court 翻译s

By ATA | 2024年1月10日

The American Translators Association (ATA) and the National Association of Judiciary 翻译s and Translators (NAJIT) have issued a joint letter in support of court interpreters…


La ATA llevará a cabo una mesa redonda virtual en respuesta al cortometraje Traductores

By ATA | 2023年11月29日

30 de noviembre de 2023, 10:00 a. m. hora del este Un evento virtual gratuito, que tendrá lugar en el Mes de los Derechos…


ATA to Hold Virtual Roundtable in Response to Film “Translators”

By ATA | 2023年11月29日

A free virtual event held during Universal Human Rights Month will address the challenges depicted in the film Translators and provide insights into the…


ATA Statement on Artificial Intelligence

By ATA | 2023年11月8日

The following statement on artificial intelligence was drafted by ATA’s Strategy Committee and reviewed and approved by ATA’s Board of Directors.  ATA相信……


ATA 永利最新网址 Update – Landmark Remote Interpreting Case: The State v. Juracan-Juracan

By ATA | 2023年8月25日

4月, ATA joined forces with the National Association of Judiciary 翻译s and Translators (NAJIT) and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New…


ATA Sends Letter Opposing AB 1032 to California Senate Appropriations Committee

By ATA | 2023年8月24日

周四, 8月3日, 2023, ATA President Madalena Sánchez Zampaulo sent a letter to the California Senate Appropriations Committee on behalf of the ATA…


ATA Proposes Novel Idea to Help South Carolina Court 翻译s Earn Fair Compensation

By ATA | 2023年8月18日

When an ATA member contacted the 永利最新网址 Committee in February 2023 to tell us that court interpreters in South Carolina hadn’t received any raises…


ATA 永利最新网址 at Work: Bill Threatening to Weaken Court Interpreting Standards Derailed

By ATA | 2023年8月7日

Over the summer, ATA has been working hard to protect the rights of court interpreters in California. Earlier this year, the California Assembly introduced…
